Sharon Lewin is an infectious diseases physician and basic scientist and has worked in HIV-related clinical medicine and research for over 25 years. She is the inaugural Director of the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity, a joint venture of the University of Melbourne and Royal Melbourne Hospital. She is an active clinician, working at the Alfred Hospital and Royal Melbourne Hospital, and a Melbourne Laureate Professor of Medicine at the University of Melbourne. Sharon is internationally recognized for her expertise in HIV cure, HIV/hepatitis B virus co-infection and SARS-CoV-2 infection. She leads a large group focused on basic and translational science and early-phase clinical trials for cure interventions and is actively developing antiviral strategies for novel RNA viruses using RNA editing. She was the Local Co-Chair for AIDS 2014, the 20th International AIDS Conference, in Melbourne. She chairs the Advisory Board for the IAS Towards an HIV Cure initiative.
Sharon Lewin
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