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IAS 2023

Marina Caskey


Marina Caskey

Marina Caskey

The Rockefeller University, USA


Marina Caskey is Professor of Clinical Investigation at The Rockefeller University. Her work focuses on the clinical evaluation and development of novel immunotherapeutic strategies against infectious diseases, including HIV-1 and, more recently, SARS-CoV-2. Marina has led a series of clinical trials on anti-HIV-1 broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) to evaluate their potential role as part of long-term HIV-1 remission strategies. Her team’s studies aim to evaluate the direct antiviral activity of these promising new immunotherapeutic investigational products, as well as their potential effects on the HIV-1 reservoir and on host immune responses. She currently serves as Chair of the Medical Staff Executive of the Rockefeller University Hospital and Chair of the ACTG Reservoirs Remission and Cure Transformative Science Group. Marina co-lead’s the REACH Martin Delaney Collaboratory and she is an Associate Director of the Einstein-Rockefeller-CUNY CFAR (ERC-CFAR).

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