Tobias Oliveira Weismantel is the Managing Director of the Munich Aids-Hilfe, which represents the interests of people living with HIV and offers services to people in the LGBTIQ community. Munich Aids-Hilfe offers counselling and testing services for trans* and inter* people and queer senior citizens, people who need assisted living, and long-term unemployed people. It is the largest LGBTIQ institution in Bavaria. Tobias is a member of the supervisory board of Munich Pride and the former head of PR and Marketing at the University of Applied Sciences in Augsburg. He brings experience to Munich Aids-Hilfe in the organization of major events and maintains contact with key players in the LGBTIQ scene. He works with several national and international committees, such as Deutsche Aids-Hilfe, and is in demand as a speaker on health and HIV issues.
Tobias Oliveira Weismantel
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Community-Led Monitoring Differentiated Service Delivery Heart of Stigma Mark Wainberg Fellowship Programme Person-Centred Care Youth HubThe IAS promotes the use of non-stigmatizing, people-first language. The translations are all automated in the interest of making our content as widely accessible as possible. Regretfully, they may not always adhere to the people-first language of the original version.