Barbara Lee Political Leadership Award
The Barbara Lee Political Leadership Award recognizes the extraordinary contributions of elected officials who have demonstrated significant political leadership and commitment to the HIV response. Named in honour of its first recipient, U.S. Congresswoman Barbara Lee, it celebrates elected officials who embody unwavering dedication, courage and compassion in the political arena. This award is also a call to action for current and future political leaders to support the HIV response.
AIDS 2024 recipients:
Barbara Lee (inaugural recipient)
Rita Süssmuth
CIPHER Grant Programme: Annual programme
The CIPHER Grant Programme provides a unique opportunity for early-stage investigators to address critical research gaps in paediatric and adolescent HIV settings where HIV resources are limited by providing funding and unique opportunities for professional development. The intention is to promote evidence-based HIV policies and programmes in these settings. The grants are for up to USD 140,000 for two years. The Collaborative Initiative for Paediatric HIV Education and Research (CIPHER) is an initiative of IAS – the International AIDS Society – and it is made possible through support from CIPHER Funding Sponsor ViiV Healthcare.
AIDS 2024 recipients:
Minh Nguyen
Clifford G Banda
Elizabeth Taylor Human Rights Award: Biennial award
The Elizabeth Taylor Human Rights Award recognizes the efforts of individuals who have achieved major breakthroughs or shown exceptional courage in their efforts to advocate for human rights in the field of HIV. The award is supported by the IAS and the Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR) to pay a lasting tribute to Dame Elizabeth Taylor, a highly visible, vocal and relentless champion of human rights in the HIV field.
AIDS 2024 recipient:
Manisha Dhakal
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From the early days of the AIDS pandemic until her passing in March 2011, Dame Elizabeth Taylor, amfAR’s Founding International Chairman, was one of the strongest advocates for the respect of human rights of all people living with or affected by HIV.
The Elizabeth Taylor Human Rights Award is a recognition award with no monetary value. The award consists of a statue and a certificate.
IAS/ANRS Lange/van Tongeren Prizes for Young Investigators: Annual prizes
The six USD 2,000 IAS/ANRS Lange/van Tongeren Prizes for Young Investigators are jointly funded by the IAS and the National Agency for Research on AIDS and Viral Hepatitis (ANRS ) (France) to support young researchers who demonstrate innovation, originality, rationale and quality in the field of HIV research. In 2015, the Young Investigator Prize was permanently renamed in memory of Joep Lange and Jacqueline van Tongeren.
AIDS 2024 recipients:
Track A: Basic and translational science
Merantha Moodley -
Track B: Clinical science
Win Min Han -
Track C: Epidemiology and prevention science
Kira Elsbernd -
Track D: Social and behavioural sciences
Rita Kamazima -
Track E: Implementation science, economics, systems and synergies
Sophia Anne Balsamo -
Track F: Political science, laws, ethics, policies and human rights
Richard Socrate Adzesi
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The prizes are granted to the top-scoring abstract in each of the six tracks: Track A (Basic and translational science); Track B (Clinical science); Track C (Epidemiology and prevention science); Track D (Social and behavioural sciences); Track E (Implementation science, economics, systems and synergies); and Track F (Political science, laws, ethics, policies and human rights).
Eligible candidates are presenting authors of abstracts submitted to AIDS 2024, which meet the following criteria:
- The abstract has been accepted as an oral presentation or for the poster exhibition.
- The research demonstrates innovation, originality, rationale and quality.
- The presenting author is under 35 years of age.
IAS President’s Award: Biennial award
The IAS President’s Award aims to recognize the achievements of an individual who demonstrates a history of leadership and excellence as a pioneer or advocate at the forefront of the response to HIV and AIDS. The award highlights an individual’s contribution that results in increased knowledge, skills, creative solutions or evidence-based policies and programmes to enhance the global response to HIV.
AIDS 2024 recipient:
Françoise Barre-Sinoussi
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The IAS President’s Award is a recognition award with no monetary value. The prize consists of a statue and a certificate.
To be eligible for the award, the individual must meet the following criteria:
- The individual must be nominated by two or more members of the IAS Governing Council from at least two regions.
- The nominee demonstrates a long history of leadership and excellence as a pioneer at the forefront of the response to HIV and AIDS.
- The nominee demonstrates throughout their career that they act as a strong advocate for the implementation of effective, evidence-based policies and programmes that enhance the global response to HIV.
IPHASA Implementation Science Research Grant
The IPHASA Implementation Science Research Grant focuses on supporting innovative research initiatives that will generate valuable insights into:
- The facilitators and/or barriers hindering the successful implementation of health interventions
- Strategies that improve the implementation outcomes of evidence-based practices in paediatric HIV prevention, care and/or treatment, enabling professionals to better understand and overcome obstacles in the field
AIDS 2024 recipients:
Ouma Simple
Ihuoma Aaron Wali
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This grant is tailored to support projects that focus on addressing critical implementation gaps in paediatric HIV prevention, care and/or treatment programmes within the researchers’ respective countries. The Implementation Science Research Grant underscores the importance of adopting an implementation science framework to enhance the execution of paediatric HIV prevention, care and treatment initiatives. Successful applicants will have the opportunity to employ rigorous research methodologies that prioritize real-world applicability, ensuring that the findings contribute significantly to improving the implementation of paediatric HIV interventions.
The International Paediatric HIV Symposium in Africa (IPHASA) is committed to supporting innovative and evidence-based research that addresses the practical challenges faced in healthcare delivery. The goal is to not only identify gaps, but also to propose and implement effective solutions that can be integrated into existing policies and programmes.
IPHASA Peer Learning Visit Grant
The Peer Learning Visit Grant is designed to foster collaborative learning among professionals by supporting a learning visit of one African country team of three to five individuals to another country that has successfully implemented a strategy and/or programme of interest. The objective is to enable participants to gain firsthand insights into successful implementation and innovative approaches.
The applying team should be able to indicate the gap in its programme and how the learning visit will help provide a learning experience to address the gap. To support translation of evidence into policy and practice and in order to have the best practice scaled up, the teams will be encouraged to work with at least one ministry of health official from the applicant country responsible for prevention of vertical transmission services, paediatric HIV testing services, paediatric HIV care and treatment services, and sexual and reproductive health and rights (including, for example, prenatal and postnatal services).
AIDS 2024 recipients:
Valentina Trivella
Cyrus Mugo
JIAS Impact Awards
The Journal of the International AIDS Society (JIAS) Impact Awards acknowledge high-impact publications from the previous year, as determined by the journal’s Editorial Board members and Deputy Editors. Selections are made based on a combination of public health importance, downloads and citations. Three awards will be announced at AIDS 2024.
An Impact Award will go to the manuscript’s first author and will cover the registration fee for a future conference (IAS 2025 or AIDS 2026). The IAS sponsors the JIAS Impact Awards.
AIDS 2024 recipients:
Carmen Logie
Elijah R. Kakande
Xiangrong Gao
Wanting Zhang
Me and My Healthcare Provider
The Me and My Healthcare Provider Campaign is driven by key populations affected by HIV, giving them an opportunity to acknowledge the contributions of healthcare providers who have made a tangible difference in their lives. By highlighting their stories, the campaign encourages replication and empowers other healthcare providers to raise their voices against stigma.
At AIDS 2024, the IAS, in partnership with Gilead Sciences, will announce the Me and My Healthcare Provider Champions from Brazil, Hong Kong, Mexico and Taiwan. This distinguished award celebrates frontline healthcare workers who have made a difference in the lives of people living with HIV by delivering stigma-free HIV prevention, treatment and care services.
Prize for Excellence in HIV Research Related to Children and Adolescents: Biennial prize
The aim of the Prize for Excellence in HIV Research Related to Children and Adolescents is to draw the attention of the scientific community to children living with and affected by HIV. The USD 1,000 prize is jointly offered by the IAS and the Coalition for Children Affected by AIDS. Two prizes are awarded to investigators whose abstracts demonstrate excellence in research that is likely to lead to improved services for children affected by HIV.
AIDS 2024 recipients:
Salome Kuchukhidze
Dana Chow
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Eligible candidates are presenting authors of abstracts submitted to AIDS 2024, which meet the following criteria:
- The abstract has been accepted as an oral presentation or for the poster exhibition.
- Research is related to the needs of children affected by HIV (using the UNICEF definition of a child aged 0-18 years). Research focusing on the integration of care and support, especially highlighting the impact of holistic approaches, is encouraged.
- The research site includes low- or middle-income countries.
Prudence Mabele Prize
The Prudence Mabele Prize is a USD 25,000 endowment named in honour of the life and work of Prudence Mabele, a trailblazing activist for the rights of women and people living with HIV. In 1992, she became the first Black woman to publicly reveal her HIV-positive status in South Africa. She was a founding member of the Treatment Action Campaign and founder of the Positive Women’s Network.
IAS – the International AIDS Society – created the prize in 2018 in partnership with the Positive Women’s Network of South Africa through an endowment from the Ford Foundation and the Open Society Foundations. The prize carries the largest monetary value awarded at the International AIDS Conference.
The selected honouree will be a woman whose work and personal commitment best embodies the values, spirit and activism of Prudence Mabele.
AIDS 2024 recipient:
Bakita Kasadha
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- Nominations were invited for women making deep connections between the response to HIV, feminism and gender and reproductive justice.
- Strong consideration is given to applicants from the region where the conference is hosted.
- To honour and commemorate Prudence's early activism and the courage she showed as a young woman openly speaking about her HIV-positive status, preference is given to applications from young people (under the age of 35, according to the definition in the African Youth Charter).
- Potential recipients should match the values that Prudence embodied:
- Innovativeness: Demonstrate the creativity of the nominee in their work, in line with the innovation Prudence showed throughout her life.
- Perseverance: Illustrate the tenacity of the nominee in achieving their accomplishments.
- Social justice: Exemplify how the nominee enhances social justice in both their work and personal life, with an emphasis on gender activism and vulnerable people.
Robert Carr Research Award
The Robert Carr Research Award celebrates Robert’s vision of collaboration between community organizations, academic researchers and advocates to advance human rights-based policies and practices in the HIV response. The prize is driven by Robert’s commitment to translating findings from research collaborations between community and academic partners into tangible policy development and advocacy efforts. This year’s winners will be announced during the biannual Robert Carr Memorial Lecture at AIDS 2024.
The award consists of the following components:
- Coverage of travel expenses and conference registration fees to attend AIDS 2024
- Certificate and award art
- Invitation to deliver the keynote address for the Robert Carr Memorial Lecture and presentation of the award
The International Council of Aids Service Organizations (ICASO) coordinates the Robert Carr Research Award. Please feel free to ask any questions about nominating procedures or eligibility by email. For more information about the award and lecture, please visit Robert Carr Research Award page.
AIDS 2024 recipients:
Alana Sharp
Jennifer Sherwood
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The award aims to highlight a research project conducted by a community-academia partnership. To be eligible for the award, the research project must meet the following criteria:
- It was conducted by a community-academia partnership in which all partners were equally involved in designing the study, collecting and analysing the data, and disseminating the results.
- It has led to evidence-based programmes and/or influenced policies in the field of HIV to guide a human rights-based response to HIV.
For the 2024 edition, preference will be given to projects that address issues of youth leadership and activism and the use of digital technologies.
Women, Girls and HIV Investigator’s Prize: Biennial prize
This USD 2,000 prize is funded by the IAS and UNAIDS, with the support of the International Community of Women Living with HIV. The purpose of the Women, Girls and HIV Investigator’s Prize is to encourage research in low- and middle-income countries that can benefit women and girls affected by HIV.
AIDS 2024 recipient:
Rebecca Ogembo Odhiambo
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Eligible candidates are presenting authors of abstracts submitted to AIDS 2024, which meet the following criteria:
- The abstract has been accepted as an oral presentation or for the poster exhibition.
- The abstract demonstrates excellence in research and/or practice that addresses women, girls and gender issues related to HIV and AIDS.
- The abstract title contains at least one of the following keywords: “women”, “girls”, “gender”.
- The presenting author is a national of a low- or middle-income country.
- The investigation has taken place in a low- or middle-income country.