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Community-Led Monitoring

Community-Led Monitoring

What Community-Led Monitoring does

Community-led monitoring (CLM) is an evidence-informed mechanism that supports HIV programme managers and service providers to identify and address local challenges in accessibility and quality of HIV prevention and treatment. CLM involves community-led organizations of people living with HIV, networks of key populations and other community entities that systematically:

  • Monitor and report on how services, programmes and policies are implemented and experienced at the level of communities and recipients of care

  • Compile and analyse the data collected to identify opportunities for improvement

  • Review evidence with service providers, programme managers and policy makers to jointly develop and implement solutions to identified problems

Since 2022, the IAS Community-Led Monitoring programme has been building a better understanding of CLM and its adoption to improve the quality and effectiveness of HIV service delivery.

Community-Led Monitoring in context

Investments are being made to improve access to HIV services, but their quality and accessibility remain challenges. Often, health programmes and services are not responsive enough to the needs of people intended to benefit. In many places, key populations – gay men and other men who have sex with men, people who inject drugs, people in prisons and other closed settings, sex workers and their clients, and trans people – report discrimination and breaches of privacy, confidentiality and informed consent, as well as other human rights violations. This reduces the use and impact of services.

I learned that CLM and research have a lot in common and can really collaborate for mutual value addition. I have learned from experiences of other CLM implementers and will use this to improve our own CLM programme. I gained important insights into designing a study and various approaches that can be applied to CLM and how to publish research work.

Attendee of IAS CLM research workshop, May 2024

Community-Led Monitoring in action

The IAS Community-Led Monitoring programme:

  • Increases understanding of CLM methods and outcomes by improving access to key materials to support quality CLM implementation

  • Advocates for a shared global vision in the HIV response on the importance of CLM for HIV and health services more broadly

  • Develops a framework for measuring CLM progress on the road towards outcomes and impact

  • Convenes HIV CLM implementers about quality and accountability in health and development programming

Key numbers

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