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AIDS 2024, the 25th International AIDS Conference

Milosz Parczewski

Milosz Parczewski

Milosz Parczewski

Professor of Medicine and Vice-President of the Governing Board of the European AIDS Clinical Society 
Pomeranian Medical University, Poland


Miłosz Parczewski, MD, PhD received the title of full Professor of Medicine in 2016 based on his scientific publications on HIV resistance and transmission networks. He is currently Vice-President of the Governing Board of the European AIDS Clinical Society (EACS) and President of the Polish Scientific AIDS Society. Miłosz remains an active practitioner in infectious diseases, leading the Department of Infectious, Tropical Diseases and Acquired Immunodeficiency at Pomeranian Medical University, Szczecin, Poland. He serves as associate editor of BMJ Sexually Transmitted Infections and HIV Medicine.  His current research focuses on the molecular epidemiology of HIV acquisition, resistance, hepatitis C virus co-infection and COVID-19, as well as implementation of pre-exposure prophylaxis and, recently, migrant care. 

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