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Going beyond: Advancing HIV prevention, testing, and treatment in Indonesia through science and community involvement


9–10 November 2022

Going beyond: Advancing HIV prevention, testing, and treatment in Indonesia through science and community involvement


  • Indonesia AIDS Coalition (IAC)
  • AIDS Research Center at Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia (ARC AJCUI)

Collaborators: Indonesia Association of Physicians in AIDS care (PDPAI)

Endorsed by: The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia

Focus: Key updates from AIDS 2022; The path forward towards innovative HIV prevention strategies in Indonesia; Leveraging the latest HIV testing strategies to leave no one behind; Improving HIV treatment and responding to co-infections to increase retention in care; The role of social enablers in increasing access to HIV prevention, testing and treatment to improve quality of life.


9–10 November 2022

Melangkah lebih maju: meningkatkan upaya pencegahan, tes, dan pengobatan HIV di Indonesia melalui ilmu pengetahuan dan keterlibatan komunitas

Dalam kemitraan dengan:

  • Indonesia AIDS Coalition (IAC)
  • Pusat Penelitian HIV Universitas Katolik Atma Jaya Indonesia (PPH)

Bekerja sama dengan: Perkumpulan Dokter Peduli AIDS Indonesia (PDPAI)

Dengan dukungan penuh dari: Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia

Fokus: Pembaruan utama dari AIDS 2022; Menuju strategi pencegahan HIV yang inovatif di Indonesia; Memanfaatkan strategi tes HIV terbaru untuk mencakup semua komunitas; Meningkatkan pengobatan HIV dan koinfeksi untuk meningkatkan retensi dalam perawatan; Peran pendukung sosial dalam meningkatkan akses ke pencegahan, tes dan pengobatan HIV untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup.

Opening session
The path forward towards innovative HIV prevention strategies in Indonesia
Panel: How to improve adherence & prevention among key populations in Indonesia
Leveraging the latest HIV testing strategies to leave no one behind
Improving HIV treatment and responding to co infections to increase retention in care
The role of social enablers in increasing HIV prevention, testing & treatment access

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