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 IAS 2025, the 13th IAS Conference on HIV Science

Prizes and awards

CIPHER Grant Programme

The CIPHER Grant Programme provides a unique opportunity for early-stage investigators to address critical research gaps in paediatric and adolescent HIV settings where HIV resources are limited by providing funding and unique opportunities for professional development. The intention is to promote evidence-based HIV policies and programmes in these settings. The grants are for up to USD 140,000 for two years. The Collaborative Initiative for Paediatric HIV Education and Research (CIPHER) is an initiative of IAS – the International AIDS Society – and it is made possible through support from CIPHER Founding Sponsor ViiV Healthcare.

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CIPHER Growing the Leaders of Tomorrow Fellowship Programme

The Growing the Leaders of Tomorrow Fellowship Programme contributes to strengthening research expertise in paediatric and adolescent HIV in Asia-Pacific and central, eastern, southern and western Africa. The two-year research fellowship provides up to USD 70,000 (USD 35,000 per year) for an early-career investigator to work with an established mentor on a funded research project that addresses key gaps in paediatric and adolescent HIV. CIPHER is made possible through support from ViiV Healthcare.

IAS/ANRS Lange/van Tongeren Prizes for Young Investigators

The five USD 2,000 IAS/ANRS Lange/van Tongeren Prizes for Young Investigators are jointly funded by the IAS and the National Agency for Research on AIDS and Viral Hepatitis (ANRS) (France) to support young researchers who demonstrate innovation, originality, rationale and quality in the field of HIV research. In 2015, the Young Investigator Prize was permanently renamed in memory of Joep Lange and Jacqueline van Tongeren.

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The prizes are granted to the top-scoring abstract in each of the five tracks: 

  • Track A: Basic and translational science
  • Track B: Clinical science
  • Track C: Epidemiology and prevention science
  • Track D: Social and behavioural sciences
  • Track E: Implementation science, economics, systems and synergies

Eligible candidates are presenting authors of abstracts submitted to IAS 2025, which meet the following criteria:

  • The abstract has been accepted as an oral presentation or for the poster exhibition.
  • The research demonstrates innovation, originality, rationale and quality.
  • The presenting author is under 35 years of age.

JIAS Impact Awards

The Journal of the International AIDS Society (JIAS) Impact Awards acknowledge high-impact publications from the previous year, as determined by the journal’s Editorial Board members and Deputy Editors. Selections are made based on a combination of public health importance, downloads and citations.

Three Impact Awards will be announced at IAS 2025. They will go to the manuscript’s first authors and will cover the registration fee for a future conference (AIDS 2026 or IAS 2027). The IAS sponsors the JIAS Impact Awards.

Me and My Healthcare Provider

The Me and My Healthcare Provider Campaign is driven by key populations affected by HIV, giving them an opportunity to acknowledge the contributions of healthcare providers who have made a tangible difference in their lives. By highlighting their stories, the campaign encourages replication and empowers other healthcare providers to raise their voices against stigma.

At IAS 2025, the IAS, in partnership with Gilead Sciences, will announce the Me and My Healthcare Provider Champions from Turkey, South Africa, Brazil, Hong Kong, Mexico and Taiwan. This distinguished award celebrates frontline healthcare workers who have made a difference in the lives of people living with HIV by delivering stigma-free HIV prevention, treatment and care services.

The IAS promotes the use of non-stigmatizing, people-first language. The translations are all automated in the interest of making our content as widely accessible as possible. Regretfully, they may not always adhere to the people-first language of the original version.