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Yves Lévy

Yves Lévy

Professor of Clinical Immunology
Director of the Vaccine Research Institute (VRI)/Inserm (French National Institute for Health and Medical Research) University of Créteil

Yves Lévy is a French physician researcher who is serving as CEO of the French Institute of Health and Medical Research from 2014 until 2028. Yves is a Professor of Clinical Immunology, specializing in immunotherapies and vaccines for HIV, immunodeficiencies and infectious diseases. From 1985, he worked in a research unit at Inserm, the French Institute of Health and Medical Research. Since 1996, he has directed the Department of Clinical Immunology and Infectious Diseases at Henri Mondor de Créteil Hospital.

In 2006, Yves became Scientific Director of the vaccine programme of the French National Agency for Research on AIDS and Viral Hepatitis (ANRS). From 2010 to 2012, he was Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Paris-Est Créteil University. In 2011, he created the Vaccine Research Institute Laboratory of Excellence under the Investissement d’Avenir (Investment for the Future) programme and served as its Executive Director. In 2012, he became a special advisor to the Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, Geneviève Fioraso.

In June 2014, after 29 years of working at Inserm, Yves was appointed its CEO by ministers Marisol Touraine and Fioraso. In October 2018, the Minister of Justice, Nicole Belloubet, appointed Yves as Advisor of State in Extraordinary Service. During a visit to the Democratic Republic of Congo in May 2019, the Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs, Jean-Yves Le Drian, appointed Yves as his special envoy on the Ebola epidemic in Kivu.

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