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Micah Ongeri Oyaro

Micah Ongeri Oyaro

Organization: University of Nairobi

Region: Africa

Nationality: Kenya

Country: Kenya

Interests & expertise: Co-infections (TB, hepatitis, STIs, etc.)

Profession or occupation: Researcher

What inspires you to work in the HIV field?

There is no cure for HIV, and I want to be part of global community working towards an HIV cure and vaccine discovery.

What are your goals as an IAS change maker?

My goal is to expand HIV vaccine research and development knowledge through clinical research collaboration, mentorship and knowledge exchange.


The IAS promotes the use of non-stigmatizing, people-first language. The translations are all automated in the interest of making our content as widely accessible as possible. Regretfully, they may not always adhere to the people-first language of the original version.