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Haruna Aaron Sunday

Haruna Aaron Sunday

Industry Collaboration Group member since 2022
Executive Director, African Network of Adolescents and Young Persons Development (ANAYD)

Haruna Aaron Sunday is a public health specialist, global civic leader, public speaker and global health activist. Haruna is a 2021 AVAC award-winning advocate and researcher, specialized in HIV and sexual reproductive health and rights issues for adolescents and young people, especially within humanitarian and fragile settings. He has over eight years of experience in establishing operational optimization across organizations at the state, national, regional, international and global levels. Currently, Haruna is Executive Director of African Network of Adolescents and Young Persons Development (ANAYD) and National Coordinator of Association of Positive Youth Living with HIV in Nigeria (APYIN).

Haruna is also, or has served as:

  • Member of the Developing Countries NGO Delegation to the Board of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, covering over 150 developing countries (from January 2019)

  • Speaker of the Bureau of the Global Fund Advocate Network (GFAN Global)

  • Vice Chair of the Advocacy, Resource Mobilization and Communications Subcommittee of the Nigeria National Adolescent and Young People Health and Development Technical Working Group (since 11tNovember 2021)

  • Member of the UNAIDS Advisory Group West and Central Africa on Regional Humanitarian Issues (since June 2020)

  • Youth Representative on the Multi-Stakeholders Task Force Planning Team for the United Nations High-Level Meeting on HIV/AIDS (8-10 June 2021, New York, USA)

  • Steering Committee Member and Lead of The PACT Global. spearheading leadership and capacity development of over 100 global, regional and national youth networks of The PACT (September 2020 to December 2021)

  • First Pilot Fellow of the Advocacy Navigator Program, Global Advocacy for HIV Prevention (AVAC) (15 May-18 August 2021)

His experience spans governance, leadership, management, strategic planning, research and analysis, communication, resourcing, risk management, budgeting, programme development, implementation and management, strategic partnership relations, youth engagement and team building. He has designed and implemented intervention projects, capacity building and training programmes for young people, health service providers and community service organizations. Furthermore, he has been involved in numerous technical assignments for states, nationally, regionally and globally.

Haruna’s aspiration for the IAS is to use his knowledge and experience to contribute towards advancing the IAS global scientific agenda, especially an HIV cure.

The IAS promotes the use of non-stigmatizing, people-first language. The translations are all automated in the interest of making our content as widely accessible as possible. Regretfully, they may not always adhere to the people-first language of the original version.