#PutPeopleFirst – the official social campaign of AIDS 2024
AIDS 2024 will call on the global response to unite behind a simple principle: Put people first!
In the lead up to the conference, we are mobilizing a groundswell of support to help champion this principle.

Join the call to put people first
We invite all individuals and organizations within the HIV community – those living with it, affected by it or working in the field – to join thousands of stakeholders around the world in telling your story of the personal or professional impact of putting people first.
Share your thoughts, photos or video testimonials using the hashtag, #PutPeopleFirst, and inspire your friends, colleagues, clients, service providers and partner organizations to join this movement by sharing their own stories.
Together, let’s build a more compassionate, inclusive and innovative HIV response that promotes well-being for all, regardless of age, region or population.

How to share your story
Use the hashtag, #PutPeopleFirst, and post a photo, video testimonial, graphic or simple text message that:
- Shares how a people-first approach has impacted your life or the lives of those around you
- Or responds to one of these suggested prompts:
- I am (or we are) putting people first by …
- I (or we) call on the world to put people first because …
- I (or we) commit to putting people first by ...
- It’s important to put people first because …
- Putting people first means ...
Access additional graphics here.

Campaign guidelines
Post and share your message, photo or video with the #PutPeopleFirst hashtag.
Please be respectful and comply with the language of the People First Charter.
All messages must respect the core values of the AIDS 2024 organizer, IAS – the International AIDS Society.
Do not include music unless you explicitly own the rights to use it.
Please note:
All social posts shared using the #PutPeopleFirst are public. No personal data besides information you include in your video, social post or public social profile will be shared, and no information will be collected. All posts using this hashtag exist in the public space and may potentially be shared by the IAS or others online.
By using the hashtag, #PutPeopleFirst, individuals agree to have their social post and corresponding photo(s), video(s) or graphic(s) potentially featured on the official #PutPeopleFirst campaign page on the AIDS 2024 website and IAS social media accounts and at AIDS 2024, the 25th International AIDS Conference.
The IAS and International AIDS Conference are not responsible for the content of any social posts created, shared or replied to as part of the #PutPeopleFirst campaign.