All registrations for AIDS 2024 must be submitted through the online registration form.
Media registration is free for accredited journalists.
If you would still like to register as a group, please email
Please note that it is the delegate’s responsibility to investigate visa requirements for Germany and apply for a visa, if necessary. Delegates are advised to apply for their visa as soon as possible. For more information, please visit our Immigration page and Visa FAQs.

Access to the conference
Where: Messe München, West Entrance
Saturday, 20 July – Sunday, 21 July
Monday, 22 July
Tuesday, 23 July – Thursday, 25 July
Friday, 26 July
07:00 – 18:30
06:30 – 18:00
06:30 – 18:30
08:00 – 15:00
All times are in CEST.
Date |
Time |
Saturday, 20 July – Sunday, 21 July |
07:00 – 18:30 |
Monday, 22 July |
06:30 – 18:00 |
Tuesday, 23 July – Thursday, 25 July |
06:30 – 18:30 |
Friday, 26 July |
08:00 – 15:00 |
All times are in CEST. |
Please note:
To pick up your conference name badge or finalize your registration, you need to go to the registration area, which can be accessed only via the West Entrance.
Registration fees
To encourage the most inclusive participation in the conference, the IAS has adjusted the registration fees to make the conference as accessible as possible.
The conference offers a four-tiered fee structure, offering lower registration fees for delegates from upper-middle, lower-middle, and low-income countries (based on the World Bank Classification) as well as for students, postdocs, and young persons.
To participate in AIDS 2024, delegates and students/postdocs/young persons can choose between two registration formats.
In-person plus virtual conference registration includes:
- In-person access to all conference sessions, satellite sessions, poster discussion sessions, the exhibition, the Global Village and pre-conferences
- Online access to all conference sessions, satellite sessions and pre-conferences streamed live on the platform, session recordings and on-demand content, the virtual exhibition, e-posters and the virtual Global Village.
Virtual conference registration includes:
- Online access to all conference sessions, satellite sessions and pre-conferences streamed live on the virtual platform, session recordings and on-demand content, the virtual exhibition, e-posters and the virtual Global Village throughout the conference and after
You are entitled to put USD 75 of your registration fee towards one of the following options:
- Two-year IAS membership: The two-year IAS membership will be activated following the conference. If you are already an IAS Member, your existing membership will be extended by two years. For more information, take a look at the IAS membership benefits.
- Conference scholarship fund: Your contribution will support the International AIDS Conference Scholarship Programme.
In person plus virtual
Regular delegates
High-income countries
Upper-middle-income countries
Lower-middle-income countries
Low-income countries
High-income countries
Upper-middle-income countries
Lower-middle-income countries
Low-income countries
All countries
Early fee
USD 945
USD 650
USD 590
USD 525
USD 265
USD 230
USD 210
USD 190
Standard fee
after 20 February 2024, 23:59 CET
USD 1,135
USD 780
USD 705
USD 630
USD 315
USD 280
USD 250
USD 225
Late fee
after 14 May 2024, 23:59 CET
USD 1,260
USD 865
USD 780
USD 700
USD 345
USD 310
USD 280
USD 250
Early fee |
Standard fee after 20 February 2024, 23:59 CET |
Late fee after 14 May 2024, 23:59 CET |
Regular delegates |
High-income countries |
USD 945 |
USD 1,135 |
USD 1,260 |
Upper-middle-income countries |
USD 650 |
USD 780 |
USD 865 |
Lower-middle-income countries |
USD 590 |
USD 705 |
USD 780 |
Low-income countries |
USD 525 |
USD 630 |
USD 700 |
Students/ |
High-income countries |
USD 265 |
USD 315 |
USD 345 |
Upper-middle-income countries |
USD 230 |
USD 280 |
USD 310 |
Lower-middle-income countries |
USD 210 |
USD 250 |
USD 280 |
Low-income countries |
USD 190 |
USD 225 |
USD 250 |
Media |
All countries |
Free |
Free |
Free |
* To register as a student/postdoc, you must be at least 18 years old and present proof of full-time enrolment at a recognized university or college at both the time of registration and during AIDS 2024.
* To register as a young person, you must be between 18 and 25 years old (inclusive) and present proof of age (official identity card stating your age).
Conference registration is exempt from German VAT (§ 4 Nr. 22 UStG).
Regular delegates
High-income countries
Upper-middle-income countries
Lower-middle-income countries
Low-income countries
High-income countries
Upper-middle-income countries
Lower-middle-income countries
Low-income countries
All countries
Early fee
(excluding GST)
USD 755
USD 520
USD 465
USD 420
USD 210
USD 185
USD 170
USD 145
Standard fee
after 20 February 2024, 23:59 CET
USD 910
USD 625
USD 560
USD 505
USD 250
USD 220
USD 200
USD 180
Late fee
after 14 May 2024, 23:59 CET
USD 1,010
USD 695
USD 625
USD 555
USD 280
USD 245
USD 220
USD 200
Early fee (excluding GST) |
Standard fee after 20 February 2024, 23:59 CET |
Late fee after 14 May 2024, 23:59 CET |
Regular delegates |
High-income countries |
USD 755 |
USD 910 |
USD 1,010 |
Upper-middle-income countries |
USD 520 |
USD 625 |
USD 695 |
Lower-middle-income countries |
USD 465 |
USD 560 |
USD 625 |
Low-income countries |
USD 420 |
USD 505 |
USD 555 |
Students/ |
High-income countries |
USD 210 |
USD 250 |
USD 280 |
Upper-middle-income countries |
USD 185 |
USD 220 |
USD 245 |
Lower-middle-income countries |
USD 170 |
USD 200 |
USD 220 |
Low-income countries |
USD 145 |
USD 180 |
USD 200 |
Media |
All countries |
Free |
Free |
Free |
* To register as a student/postdoc, you must be at least 18 years old and present proof of full-time enrolment at a recognized university or college at both the time of registration and during AIDS 2024.
* To register as a young person, you must be between 18 and 25 years old (inclusive) and present proof of age (official identity card stating your age).
Conference registration is exempt from German VAT (§ 4 Nr. 22 UStG).
Pre-conference pass
A pre-conference pass allows:
- In-person access to all pre-conferences on 20 and 21 July
- Online access to all pre-conferences streamed live on the virtual platform, pre-conference session recordings and on-demand content throughout the conference and after
Regular delegates
All countries
USD 315
Regular delegates |
All countries |
USD 315 |
Day passes
A day pass gives in-person access for the selected day to all conference sessions, satellite sessions, poster discussion sessions, the exhibition and the Global Village. Day passes do not give access to the virtual platform, session recordings or on-demand content, the virtual exhibition, e-posters or the virtual Global Village.
Day passes
Regular delegates
High-income countries
Upper-middle-income countries
Lower-middle-income countries
Low-income countries
USD 595
USD 415
USD 370
USD 335
Regular delegates |
High-income countries |
USD 595 |
Upper-middle-income countries |
USD 415 |
Lower-middle-income countries |
USD 370 |
Low-income countries |
USD 335 |
Conference registration is exempt from German VAT (§ 4 Nr. 22 UStG).
Accompanying persons under the age of 18
To attend AIDS 2024 on their own, delegates must be at least 18 years old.
To attend the in-person conference, individuals under the age of 18 (as of 22 July 2024) must be registered as accompanying persons under the age of 18. The parent/guardian must submit and provide a copy of the completed parent/guardian consent form.
An accompanying person under the age of 18 must be with the registered regular delegate at all times when they are in the conference venue. The regular delegate they are accompanying will be held responsible for all actions of the accompanying person under the age of 18.
In addition, accompanying persons under the age of 18 may be asked to provide official photo identification (for example, passport, student ID) confirming their age.
This registration fee for an accompanying person under the age of 18 includes in-person access to all conference sessions, satellite sessions, poster discussion sessions, the exhibition, the Global Village, and pre-conference meetings.
You can register up to two accompanying persons under the age of 18.
Accompanying person under 18
All countries
Early fee
USD 65
Standard fee
after 20 February 2024, 23:59 CET
USD 75
Late fee
after 14 May 2024, 23:59 CET
USD 85
Early fee
Standard fee after 20 February 2024, 23:59 CET |
Late fee after 14 May 2024, 23:59 CET |
All countries |
USD 65 |
USD 75 |
USD 85 |
Conference registration is exempt from German VAT (§ 4 Nr. 22 UStG).

Media registration
Are you an accredited journalist or public-facing communications professional? You may be eligible for free media registration. Learn more and register for media access.
Change of registration format
AIDS 2024 allows you to change your registration to virtual or in person plus virtual as follows:
- If there is a change from in-person plus virtual registration to virtual registration, the difference will be refunded free of charge until 14 May 2024. After this date, all refunds are subject to a USD 65 handling fee.
- If there is a change from virtual registration to in-person plus virtual registration, the difference will be charged.
Cancellation policy
If the written notification of cancellation is received on or before 14 May 2024, 50% of the registration fee will be refunded. No refunds or refund requests will be accepted after 14 May 2024.
Further information can be found in the terms and conditions for delegates.
Letter of invitation
If you require a letter of invitation for visa purposes, please check this e box while completing the AIDS 2024 registration form:, “Please send a letter of invitation to my preferred and alternative (if provided) email address after you have received my registration and payment in full and after all required supporting documents have been received and approved (if applicable). Alternatively, contact the AIDS 2024 Registration team.
Delegates, accompanying persons under the age of 18, students/postdocs/young persons and exhibitors must register for the conference, pay in full and submit any required supporting documents (if applicable) before a letter of invitation is issued.
Click here for further details regarding the letter of invitation.
For further information or questions, please contact the AIDS 2024 Registration team.