Geoff Garnett joined the Gates Foundation in 2011 and is Deputy Director for Global Health on the TB and HIV team. In this role, he works on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare delivery. Previously, he was a Professor in the Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology at Imperial College London and a Reader at Oxford University working on the epidemiology, evolution and control of sexually transmitted infections. At Imperial College, he directed the Masters in Epidemiology course. Geoff has served as Chair of the UNAIDS Reference Group on Estimates Models and Projections and on several Institute of Medicine and Wellcome Trust panels. He holds an undergraduate degree in zoology, a PhD in pure science from Sheffield University and an MSc in biological computation from York University. His professional training includes a Wellcome Trust Training Fellowship in Mathematical Biology and a Royal Society University Research Fellowship at Oxford University.
Geoff Garnett
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